Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Sleep Struggle

I was never able to put Trevor down as a baby and let him cry himself to sleep. It just seemed too sad! This is not a judgement of those who successfully stayed that course; On the contrary, you brave and strong people have accomplished something quite impressive! And I'm betting that your two-year-olds can put themselves to sleep. Mine sometimes falls asleep almost instantly, with mommy or daddy sitting next to his bed, and sometimes he goofs off and plays games with us for an hour. Maybe he's not tired?

I am writing about this at 2:15 p.m., after finally having left him in his room still awake and goofing off. He protested mildly, but so far I haven't heard another peep. Is he asleep? I don't know, but it would be a miracle.

He's asleep! It is a miracle!

Monday, May 26, 2008

New blogging leaf

Yes, that's right, I am turning over a new leaf (for now) and trying to keep up with this blog thing. So make sure you scroll down and look at the new photos I added.
I'm torturing myself by staying up late, but I'm hoping it will pay off at 3 a.m. The scenario has been this: Trevor coughs (his room is very close to ours) then goes right back to sleep, I get up to pee (about half an ounce) then can't go back to sleep for over an hour. The best solution would be to get up and knit but I'm at a stubborn standstill with my project right now, a dumb mistake that I don't feel like fixing; I must avoid the knitting basket at all costs. Does anyone have a copy of Remembrance of Things Past? That could help.
Oh, hey, I realized too how liberating it is to finally realize that like three people this thing. So I don't have to worry about blathering on and on. I can live the philosophy major's dream! Not that I ever was a student of philosophy, but I think I could be good at it. I remember a friend of mind (no names mentioned, just in case my readership suddenly explodes) who studied philosophy in college, and conversations with him were a hoot! Or I guess the word monologue would be more accurate. He would (and I am not exaggerating!) go into a sentence saying one thing, then talk and talk and finally come out the other end of the (extremely long and poorly structured) sentence on the complete opposite end his original statement! It was pretty amazing. He had a tendency to drive some people insane, but I found him entertaining, so I can hope for that here too. Most of you will stop reading, but some of you will be sucked into the intricate maze of my sleep-deprived brain.
Now I can talk about something else. Entirely unrelated! You don't have to comment!!!
I am enjoying one particular aspect of Trevor's development right now, with the full realization that it can't last. It is that I can give him two choices, both of which work for me, and he will happily choose one. Oh I feel so clever! For example, if I'm trying to get him to go from point A to point B in a timely manner (like into my house when I'm about to wet my pants in the driveway) I ask "do you want me to carry me, or do you want to walk?" His answer is "I walk." And he does it! He is not yet aware of the third option ("neither.")
Does anyone with toddlers sometimes just laugh at them when you know you shouldn't? I feel bad about it, and I try so hard to at least hide my face, but sometimes he gets so upset about something really silly, then he cries and I, mean mommy, try so hard not to laugh. I try to remind myself in these situations that it's really a big deal for him, but I just can't help it. Then there's the laughing at behavior you know you shouldn't encourage, but that doesn't seem as scarring.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Some random pictures...not necessarily in any order

Trevor sporting his new shirt from Aunt Nikah.
Wow, check this stunt out!
Three dirty kids covered with ice cream. Next stop, bathtub.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Moonshine Camping

Last weekend, we met our friends Adrienne, Nathan, Thomas and Tessa over by the coast for a quick camping trip at a beautiful-yet-trashed-by-the-locals campground on the Siletz river. You really must watch this video!