I was never able to put Trevor down as a baby and let him cry himself to sleep. It just seemed too sad! This is not a judgement of those who successfully stayed that course; On the contrary, you brave and strong people have accomplished something quite impressive! And I'm betting that your two-year-olds can put themselves to sleep. Mine sometimes falls asleep almost instantly, with mommy or daddy sitting next to his bed, and sometimes he goofs off and plays games with us for an hour. Maybe he's not tired?
I am writing about this at 2:15 p.m., after finally having left him in his room still awake and goofing off. He protested mildly, but so far I haven't heard another peep. Is he asleep? I don't know, but it would be a miracle.
He's asleep! It is a miracle!
I am anxious to see if you have conquered your sleep struggle!!
oh my gosh, the picture is adorable
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