Monday, November 3, 2008

Random update

I like to have yogurt in the house so Trevor can eat it...mostly so he can ask for it since I love the way he says it, almost like someone's name: "Yo-Gret."
Pillows are the best toys for two year-olds.
Our baby still hasn't come out, although last night it seemed like he/she wanted to.
Halloween was super fun...we trick or treated just a little in the neighborhood, and it was plenty, then had some snacks over at the Dasenkos' was nice to not drive anywhere, and the best thing was that Trevor forgot about all the loot he collected by the next morning, so Todd and I kept sneaking it all day. Here's the pics:

1 comment:

Kara said...

I can't wait to meet this little gal (or so I think it is a gal at least).