Sunday, January 6, 2008

Blog Warning

I changed the template on this thing, and it scrambled all the pictures, so they're in no order. Trevor figured out how to climb up on the toilet to reach the sink (the side with the hot water faucet) and is very proud of this ability. He gets his hand wet and then comes and shows us. He also can climb in and out of his highchair. I spotted him once or twice, but now he's on his own. Tonight he was dragging Boa around saying "heavy" (sounds more like "hebby"). For some reason we were talking about my backpack and he went to get it and carried it through the house saying "heavy." One of his hobbies is pulling everything out of drawers and cabinets and not putting it away. He also likes to cook in his kitchen.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Hey Juliette,
My blog got all messed up too when I changed the template. I wonder if there is a way to prevent it. We actually got Sofia's bunkbed last summer of Craigslist last summer here in Corvallis. If you are not in a hurry to buy one.. just keep your eyes opened on Craigslist and one will show up. Have fun in Florida!!!