Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Next Blog

My sister really wants me to be a food writer and sell articles to magazines. I'm all for that! I thought a good start would be to set up a foodie blog (like a million other foodie blogs) to at least get some practice, then I could started raking in some coins. Well, maybe I'll just put the food stuff on this one for now since I'm too lazy to start a new one.
Trevor is walking around on the ceiling and walls and spinning around in circles, some of his favorite postprandial activities. I don't mind as long as I'm out of the puke zone. He's so dizzy he's falling down but he's demanding more. His favorite word today is NO.
So back to the food thing. For a while I was not much enjoying cooking, eating or thinking about food, and most especially not enjoying the smell of food, but I am relieved to report that I've moved past that and into the Weight Gain phase. I was talking food last night with the girls at ladies' night out, and someone mentioned rhubarb crisp. So tonight I made a rhubarb crisp and gobbled it up with ice cream. I've never grown rhubarb before, but some friends of ours dug a plant up for us last fall. We left it out in the cold in a plastic Safeway bag all winter, then found the dried up root ball a couple months ago and, miraculously, it was not dead. We planted it and it's just as happy as can be now. Such indifference to neglect! I admire this plant and yet I am...suspicious. While I do not have an overabundance, I'm beginning to divine the reason that people with blogs always ask their readers, zucchini-esquely, what to do all that rhubarb. I am not asking that, because as far as I'm concerned, nothing can top a simple rhubarb crisp made with fresh ginger, topped with vanilla ice cream. Unless your idea is AMAZING.
Incidentally, I saw some organically grown rhubarb (why would you ever need chemicals, except maybe to get rid of it?) at the coop for like 2.99 a pound or something. Maybe I should become a rhubarb farmer, now that's a lazy person's crop.

1 comment:

Kara said...

A rhubarb farmer.. I love the idea. I have a dream some day of owning a u-pick place called "You grow girl".. so maybe we can go in together. I would love to come and take some Rhubarb off of your hands, even though it is dangerous, because anyone with any sort of sense knows that Rhubarb must be combined with sugar and fat to make it yummy :).