Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Camping at the beautiful Oregon coast

We spent Friday and Saturday night at the coast, car-camping. It seems like it took more time to plan and pack than we actually spent there. The weather was perfect. It cooled off at night, but not uncomfortably so, and we had almost a drizzle Saturday night that cleared up by Sunday morning.

Trevor loves camping and the coast. He loves being outside, playing in the sand, dipping his feet in the ocean, sleeping in a tent, campfires, flashlights, horses and dogs on the beach, and blackberry pancakes for breakfast. I'm sure he will soon be able to tell you all about it; right now he's talking gibberish all day long, with a sophisticated inflection and many, many details.


Tonya said...

How fun! Those are some cute pictures of Trevor! Did you say something about blackberry pancakes???? That sounds goo-ood!

Kara said...

We all need to get passes to the aquarium so that we have reasons to go to the coast more often. I am trying to talk people into this... so I will have friends to go to the coast with if I get a pass!